Saturday, August 04, 2007

burning down the house

Daryl’s discharge papers from the hospital state that he is to do no physical work outside of walking. No household work including vacuuming, laundry or yard work.

I would not have a problem relaxing for two weeks. Would you?

He can’t seem to abide by the doctor’s wishes. I keep telling him that the pain pills are covering up his pain and if he continues to try to do things he will hurt himself. “Hey, if you want to injure yourself just go right ahead, I’ll just be the one having all the fun while you’re in pain!” That got no response.

Well, yesterday he started a fire by accident. He left a pan on the stove and went off to do something else and a grease fire started. He lost track of time not realizing it takes him longer to do things than it use to. Fortunate for us he was able to get the fire before anything was damaged.

Hopefully this will teach him that he needs to take it easy for a while. If not, I’m just going to have to get a babysitter for him when I’m gone.


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