Saturday, November 10, 2007

I have been feeling a little depressed lately and may have lost some of my zest for life. It happened the same time the weather started changing. I took the same journey that the morning glory plant in front of our house has taken. A few weeks ago the plant was filled with many bright beautiful blue flowers, but now sadly, they are all shriveled.

What to do? My plan has been to get up and go to work every morning and try to get through the day. It has been working. These last few days I am starting to feel like myself again. I am looking forward to the holidays coming up this month and next. I have four days off for Thanksgiving and ten off around Christmas/New Years. I will spend them by doing as little as possible. I’m sure something will come up, but it is going to be nice not having to go to work. It makes me happy just thinking about that.


I keep telling Daryl that I don’t need a cell phone anymore. I know it sounds strange, especially now that everyone has one and it seems to be a necessity for most. It’s not for me. Everyone that calls me knows enough to call the house phone or my work number if they need to reach me. Sometimes, I will have a message on my cell phone for days and I won’t know it, because it has been left on the counter at home in the charging mode and I haven’t bothered to check it. I hate having to carry it around. I use it mostly to keep track of the time and make sure I’m not late when I need to catch the bus in the mornings and evenings getting to work. When I think about it, do I really need a cell phone? How did I go from using a phone all the time to hardly using it at all? Have I become too isolated and haven’t enough people that need or want to talk to me?

Daryl and I share a cell phone plan. He used 1192 minutes. Look what I used!


Blogger Scott in Iowa said...

I know what you mean about the weather effecting your mood. winter is so depressing in the midwest.
As far as whether or not you need a cell phone- your cell number is the only number I have for you. If you get rid of your cell phone, I'll never be able to call you again!
Andrew and I have had the same, but opposite conversation about the home phone. We wouldn't even have it if it weren't for the TiVo. TiVo has to dial up a few times a week to get the programming. Otherwise, our home phone would be history.

2:22 PM  

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