Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wow, this year seems to be flying by so fast! Where has it gone? Since August we have had tickets to go to Vegas next week. We leave the 19th for a 3 day trip to sin city. Although, I don't think there will be much sinning. Ethan gets all upset over that kind of thing. He's a one gay man sort of guy. I myself, think a little variety is the spice of life. I haven't been with anyone since Ethan and I met four years ago. If I brought up the subject with him about being with someone else he would have a cow. So, as it is, we have had a monogamous relationship. It's ok, I guess. I don't have to much of a problem with it. Once in a while I feel like I want something different. It passes. I think that I should have brought this up front if I wanted to have that option of having sex with someone else, at the beginning of our relationship. I honestly didn't feel that I did. Now it would be a problem. I wouldn't ever want to hurt Ethan. I guess it's not an option now.

Wednesday I arrived home to find the house filled with Ethan's friends. Sloan, Mac and Jake were all hanging out with Ethan drinking of course. Sloan was on our computer (this really pisses me off because I have told Ethan I don't want his friends on it, but he always lets them do it anyway) looking for chicks again. He was getting a lot of hits. I think it was because he didn't have his picture on and the local group of lovely internet cruisers may have thought he was someone new. The day before some girl asked Sloan to show her his cock. After he did she didn't talk to him anymore. We all had a good laugh about that. Ethan keeps telling him that some of the girls he is chatting with are not really girls, maybe they are guys trying to get him to wank off on camera. I keep telling him he's going to end up as a wanker on perverted-justice. He doesn't have a clue. Jake ended up giving Sloan a buzz job hair cut that night. It started out being a trim, but ended up with Sloan looking like some member of the Neo-Nazi party. It was not pretty at all!


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