Sunday, January 07, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth is out on DVD now and I watched it last week. The movie points out the climate changes in the past and gives some possible conclusions of what may happen if the trends continue as they are now.

I have always thought that in the USA we are very short sighted on everything, not just this issue. We tend to tackle problems in the short term and do not plan too far ahead. Why do we not think of our grandchildren and the world that they will inherit from us? If we had been more aggressive in implementing the changes with the use of oil, I don't believe we would be in Iraq today.

Why do we always have to be at the end of a rope to make changes? We waste energy and consume more because we can. I believe change will come when we are forced to do these things because it hits us in the pocketbook.

I would suggest that everyone watch this movie! The more we talk about the issues and better inform ourselves of the problems, that's a step forward to convincing our leaders that we want them to make changes in policies.

Of course we would have to elect a leader that really cares about what we think.



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