Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter 2007

Daryl and I are doing the same thing as we have the past 5 years we have been together. He will be going to his family's place for Easter dinner and I will be going to mine. Usually he has to work most of the day, so I always went to my parents house to spend the day with them and the rest of my family.

Easter really isn't the same for me since I stopped going to church. I always felt secure in going every week when I was a kid. It was an extended family network. Church was a center point of our lives. Every major event was marked by going to the church from birth until death. It was a gradual process of feeling that I wasn't excepted that drove me away and the hypocrisy sometimes with the church. I have tried a few times to find some other church that I felt comfortable with, but it just isn't the same.
Last night we watched The Ten Commandments on TV. It was the first time Daryl had ever seen the movie. I had forgotten how hot Yul Brynner was! I think this is the closest religions experience we are going to have this year on Easter.

Have A Happy Easter everyone!


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