Tuesday, November 21, 2006

this time of year

Campbell's® Soup has a promotion for each city with a NFL franchise. Click on the soup label and vote for you favorite team. For each vote they will donate a can of soup to a soup kitchen. It's a good cause, so Vote!

In the last two weeks work has picked up in my department and I have been working 10 hour days. I am really looking forward to the four days off this weekend. This time of year gets really hectic, it seems from Thanksgiving to Christmas we always get overtime.

This year Ethan's parents are in Minnesota for Thanksgiving so we will be going to my sisters place in Marion.

The next few weeks will be busy too. We have been invited to two Christmas parties hosted by friends. One is an ugly ornament party( everyone brings an ornament that they think is ugly, the winner gets a prize) and the other is a benefit for the humane society. You have to bring food for the local animal shelter. We will have to squeeze these parties into the regular list of places we have to go. We both have to go to our parents house and Ethan has his kids and grand kids over for Christmas dinner and to open presents.


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