Sunday, October 29, 2006

sex with friends

I called Bill this morning to see how the big move was going. Ray has moved all his stuff in this weekend. Bill was having a problem with Ray decorating everything without him having any input. Well, as of last night that might be the least of their problems.

A bunch of us were to go out to the strip bar to see the female strippers this Saturday. How it all got started was that Wayne hadn't ever been with a woman. We had a kind of joke going that we should all go to the strip bar and show him what a woman looked like, that way we could invite all the straight people and everyone would have a good time. The move this weekend kind of changed our plans. We decided that we would cancel and do this some other time. Sam ended up going over to Bill and Ray's house last night. I guess they all were drinking, Sam and Ray more than Bill and things got a little out of hand. Bill found Sam and Ray rolling around on the floor making out. I guess they ended up having a 3 way with Ray and Sam going at it hard and Bill was kind of in the side line. Then Sam and Ray kind of went off on there own for a while and repeated the act.

So the dilemma....Bill isn't sure how he should handle things. SAme is a good friend of his and he doesn't know if things will change or not. Bill isn't upset about them having sex. Ray and him have had 3 ways before and sex with others on there own. They lived on different sides of the state and so they had a open relationship. Now that they are living together it may be different. I know they don't want a monogamous relationship, I just think Bill was a little surprised that Sam and Ray had the hots for each other. This should be interesting how this all works out. Wayne has been with his BF for 10 years, but lately as rumor has it he has been sowing his seed around. I will keep you posted how things turn out. Sam and Bill have been pretty close lately, I wonder if this will change?


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