Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Tree is Up

Daryl's family moved up their family tree cutting weekend this year and I didn't get to go. This year and it fell on the day that I always help Jeff decorate for his Christmas party. I was finished over there just in time to help him unload our tree. After seeing the tree that Daryl picked out this year, I think I should have been with him to help. He went a little over the top with getting a tree much to large for our house. The angel is scraping her poor little head on the ceiling this year.

No gifts under the tree yet.

The lights and stockings are up around the fireplace (I wish we could get the fire working). Cole is checking out the decorations in the lower left of the picture.

Daryl went shopping for the grand kids already. The bags of gifts will sit around until about a day before they come over for the holidays and then he will stuff the stockings and wrap the gifts.


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