chinese laterns, wine and friends

This morning I have a few hours to wait until Daryl gets home from work. He has an appointment to get a MRI this morning. He has had some serious pain in his back and shoulder area for some time now. The Chiropractor visits have given him some relief, but now that isn't working. The X-Ray seems to indicate that he may have a bone spur or possibly arthritis. The MRI should be able to tell what exactly the problem is. Tuesday he will have the appointment with the doctor to go over the results.
After Daryl's appointment this morning we have to go get the camper and bring it to my brother's place. He uses it every year for a camping trip he go's on with a bunch of his friends. I hope Daryl will feel up to the ride, or else I will be delivering the camper to him myself.
I headed down to the farmers market in the morning to get some asparagus. I new it was kind of late in the season for it, but I thought by chance someone would still have some to sell. No luck was had. I ended up buying a loaf of bread at the farmers market and the asparagus from the Hyvee grocery store. We planned on having Daryl's friends Rod and Heather over that evening and I thought it would be nice to have the asparagus cooked on the grill. We introduced Rod and Heather a couple of weekends ago at our house and they have been getting along just great! They wanted to thank us again for introducing them, so they brought over some food and we thought we could have a cook-out. Daryl's cousin Mike and his boyfriend Brian stopped by with some beer and Mike had made a baked bean dish. I'm not sure what everyone else had to drink last night, but I know that Mike and I polished off three bottles of wine between us. Daryl cooked the chicken breast and baked potatoes on the the grill. He is the best at grill cooking, everything turns out just perfect! We had been drinking for a few hours before we sat down to eat. I realized half way during the meal that we hadn't made the asparagus. I guess the alcohol must have fuzzed up my head a little bit!
The weather was just perfect last night and we had the fire going out back. During the day I strung up some Chinese lanterns along the side of the garage. It provided us with just enough light and I thought they looked very attractive. I just love being out on our patio during the warm weather!
I like your Chinese lanterns. If we ever get our patio done something like those would be a nice addition.
I purchased the lanterns at Kmart last year sometime. Martha Stewart collection. :)
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