taxes increased again
Last night I cruised the cities assessor's web page looking at the value of the homes around us to see if were being screwed on our taxes. One new thing I noticed is that they have the owners names on the web site now. I have to admit that I checked out everyone on the streets around me and the assessed value of their property. It was kind of nice matching up the names with the faces of the people I see in the neighborhood all the time. I am really bad at remembering names, so this web site may come in handy someday. I'm not sure yet if it is a good thing to have this information out for everyone to see or not, especially with the way things are today with people stalking other people and things of that nature. It may have been available if you went to the assessors office, so maybe it's no big deal. I just think it may not be wise to give the crazy people any help finding you.